Davis, Gordon B's books list

No.TitlePublish Year
1.Introduction to electronic computers1971
2.FORTRAN 77 : a structure, disciplined style1983
3.Elementary structured COBOL : a step by step approach1977
4.Fortran 77 : a structured, discriplined style1983
5.Computer data processing1973
6.Auditing and EDP1983
7.Fortran II : a structured disciplined style base on 19771983
8.Using software in auditing : the atrix manufacturing company payroll case1990
9.Introduction to computers1977
10.Elementary Cobol programming : a step by step approach1971
11.Computer Data processing1973
12.Computers and information processing1978
13.Introduction to electronic computers1971
14.An introduction to the IBM system/360 computer1965
15.Readings in management information systems1976
16.Fortran a structured, disciplined style1978
17.Computers and information processing1977
19.Computer data processing1970